Cookieless future and server side tracking by the Integritty

We accepted a kind invitation from Integritty to give a short but very informative talk about the cookieless future and the Next Analytica tool that helps to solve it. The talk was led by Integritty’s Senior Analyst, Michal Birčiak.

Cookieless analytics by Michal Birčiak
Fig. 1: Michal Birčiak, Senior Analyst at Integritty, walked us through Cookieless analytics using Next Analytica.

What we took away from the talk, besides a great vibe, was an awareness of Google’s server-side user tagging and the Topics API / Google privacy sandbox. Cookieless issues are also addressed at TRITON IT. Our work so far consists of testing and implementing Plausible analytics for our pilot clients. Plausible allows us to measure traffic and the entire conversion funnel on a website without involving cookies from all parties and does not require any personal data processing. Thus, it does not create a requirement to place a cookie bar on the site and create conditions for processing personal data, provided that this is not required by another part of the site.

Marek Rost and Michal Rost from Triton IT
Fig. 2: Our development team led by Mark Rost (left) and Michal Rost (right) has been working on the topic of Cookieless for quite some time. That’s why we were happy to accept the invitation of Martin Kučera (middle) from Integritty to give a talk on the future of cookieless analytics.