Cooperation on the bachelor thesis of Adam Stursa ended with successful defence

Adam Štursa joined us when he was in his 2nd year in high school. During his long term work with us he managed to complete his high school practice and for more than 6 years of cooperation he was a great help in solving tricky programming tasks. Today we would like to officially congratulate Adam on successfully passing his bachelor’s degree exams at FIT CTU and defending his bachelor’s thesis, for which he chose our CEO Michal Rost as his supervisor.

Adam Štursa with his bachelor thesis
Fig. 1: Adam Štursa (left) successfully defended his bachelor thesis on “Design of a web application for dog registration”, on which he collaborated with the CEO of TRITON IT, Michal Rost (right).

Adam’s thesis focused on the creation of an application in the field of breeding, which we are developing in cooperation with an external investor. A key contribution of his bachelor thesis was a detailed market analysis, focusing on competing applications and their functional and technological parameters. In addition, Adam designed a robust database which he successfully presented to the school and the investor, who we thank for agreeing to Adam’s involvement. In addition, Adam managed to create a working prototype of part of the intended application, which became part of the practical part of his bachelor thesis.

Adam, congratulations and we wish you much success in conquering your next programming challenges!