How we built a new source of sales for the MISURA brand with a brand page

MISURA is an innovative Czech company founded by Jiří Mihel. The goal of MISURA is to become a leading European brand of monitors and to develop for its customers such products that facilitate their everyday life and help with the efficiency of not only work but also the use of leisure time. The product portfolio thus includes a wide selection of portable and desktop monitors and ergonomic aids for the office, home or car.

Creating a brand page

In order for MISURA to be able to present its products to the public, show their key benefits, offer usage guides or perhaps bring interviews with satisfied customers, we decided to create a brand page at We have a long experience that if a manufacturer relies only on a template e-shop and does not have its own brand page, it is much more difficult for them to attract and establish themselves among consumers. Especially in the case of MISURA, we knew we had a lot to say and show about the features and purpose of the products.

At, we try to ensure that our articles and videos are created with the current needs and interests of our readers in mind, and we also draw ideas from MISURA’s customer support FAQs. To achieve this, we start with an initial keyword analysis for each article using WebMedea, which allows us to identify the topics that are most relevant to our target audience. Once we have these keyword terms identified, we proceed to writing the article, where we use these keywords to ensure the best possible positioning of the site in organic search.

Article on
Fig. 1: We write individual articles based on the needs of our customers, and then we do a quick keyword analysis for each topic so that we can get the article to our readers through organic search. Articles link to related content and include product boxes with a link to the product detail on the e-shop.

The proper use of AI plays a key role in the content creation process on today. Not only does it provide us with inspiration for new articles in conjunction with real customer experiences, but it can also create outlines and skeletons for them. However, it’s important to stress that while AI provides valuable input, we are still the primary source of information, ensuring that content is commissioned and finalised to be accurate, truthful and add value for readers.

The final article is deployed using templates created in WordPress, which allows us to present the content of our site in an efficient and systematic manner. Each article is carefully interwoven with links to other relevant articles, which enhances the reader experience and increases the cohesiveness of our stories. In addition, articles are translated into several world languages, including English, German and French, to make the content accessible to the widest possible audience. Deploying and then translating one such article takes us several hours, depending on the length of the text and the number of images included.

Language versions of
Fig. 2: The brand page provides users with information about MISURA products in ten languages.

How to increase sales from advice articles?

In addition to the pre-built templates, our development team also prepared dynamic product boxes in the WordPress environment. These are linked to the MISURA e-shop, from which data including product photos about the individual products are sent and then displayed in each article. This allows us to link, for example, an article about the MB1 Pro massage gun to the product details in the e-shop, including the current price in the currency of the chosen language, so that the reader can simply click through and continue shopping. We have more than 60 such product boxes, translated into a total of ten languages.

MISURA product boxes
Fig. 3: The product boxes offer basic product specifications, a preview product photo, the current price and a link to the e-shop. All data is regularly updated.

Once MISURA introduced the portable monitors, we found that customers often had questions about compatibility and how to connect. These questions then literally overwhelmed the customer service line, which was overloaded, so we set about creating an internal database of the specifications of all laptops on the market.

As soon as MISURA introduced the portable monitors, there was a huge demand for them. People started asking what monitor was best suited for their laptop and how many cables would be needed to connect it. To help people answer these questions quickly and automatically, we created an online laptop compatibility configurator for MISURA monitors. This consists of a database containing laptop specifications for all manufacturers and models, specifically the number of USB, HDMI ports or processor versions. Next to the database runs an automated script that updates the database of laptops from major e-shops. This tool allows users to quickly and easily find the best portable monitor for their laptop and determine how many cables they will need to connect.

Configurator on
Fig. 4: The configurator checks the compatibility of MISURA portable monitors with your laptop and recommends the most suitable option.

Thanks to the constant work not only on the creation of explanatory content, but also on the development of dynamic product boxes and our own database for managing the configurator, we have managed to make the brand page both a valuable source of information for MISURA customers and a source of purchases for the e-shop.

Do you want to boost your e-shop sales with a brand page?