TRITON IT has developed its own application for work records

After four years, our company is leaving the well-established Redmine opensource system. We are replacing it with a new system of work records that we have developed ourselves for this purpose. It is designed not only to simplify administration for users, but also to offer more comprehensive tools for working with budgets, payroll, scheduling and labor reporting.

HNexus - work records
Fig. 1: Example of the HNexus labour accounting environment

From Redmine to the new application

We started developing the new system at the beginning of 2023. The impetus for us was an audit conducted by Jakub Jánský. The audit introduced or completely changed the processes of work planning, budgeting, payroll, invoicing. He also introduced code lists for centres and services, defined the categorisation of costs and changed the way they are recorded. Record keeping became subordinate to management accounting, which required more comprehensive functions that Redmine no longer allowed.

The needs of..

  1. Toschedule work and replace weekly schedules in spreadsheets on a shared drive.
  2. Torecord payroll and generate payroll documents, replacing Redmine and the shared drive with spreadsheets for each employee.
  3. Apply bonuses and malus and keep records of it. Replace shared drive and unnecessary email or phone communications.
  4. Record and assign benefits to colleagues. Replace shared spreadsheets
  5. Compile supporting documentation for invoicing. And replace shared excel spreadsheets tied to clients.
  6. Evaluate sales and expenses. Enable data to be imported from Flexi Bee and evaluated in one place in an automated manner.
  7. Have all the dials in one place. All of the above steps require dials that we want to manage from one place.
  8. Assign roles and permissions.
  9. Integrate with other applications. And perform automatic imports and exports.
  10. To have all companies under a single login.
HNexus - personal profile
Figure 2: Sample HNexus environment - personal profile

New application with working name HNexus

Currently we are already using the first module for work registration and planning. This month we will already be using the module for payroll. More parts are planned:

  1. Invoicing (development May, deployment June)
  2. Integration with ABRA Flexibee (development June, deployment July)
  3. Import of costs
  4. Statistics and reports on company management
  5. Issue tracking linked to work plans
  6. CRM

The HNexus system is designed for variable use and can be easily applied in production plants as well as in service and outsourcing companies. Its functions and setup can also handle data from holding companies that use one information system through which multiple affiliates can be managed.

application database diagram
Fig. 3: ER diagram of the application database

Do you want a custom app?